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What's PrintBits ?

PrintBits is a function that takes a number as argument, and prints it in binary value without a newline at the end.

PrintStr function

We define a function called PrintStr that will allow us to print a string we will give to it.

func PrintStr(s string) {
  for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {

PrintBits step by step

First step

If the number of arguments is different from 2 (number + name of the file), then we end the programm.

if len(os.Args) != 2 {

Second step

We then settup some variables - result: variable that will store the convertion of our given int.
- number: int convertion of our os.Args[1].
- base: A string array that will contain every possible cases of our base. We can add more values if we want to change the base. (here base 2: 2 possible values).

result := ""
number, err := strconv.Atoi(os.Args[1])
if err != nil {
base := []string{"0", "1"}
We also check for convertion error on the Atoi. If the value we want to convert contains something else than int values, then we return 00000000.

Third step

We will then divide the number by the lenght of the base until it reaches 0.

for number != 0 {
    result = base[number%len(base)] + result
    number = number / len(base)

We then, inside that loop add to result the base at the index of the modulo of the number by the lenght of the base array.
Example: if number is 125, 125%2 equal 1, we add then base[1] to result, which is 1.

Fourth and final step

Since we want to have the result shown on 8 bits, we complete if the lenght of result is inferior to 8.

for len(result) < 8 {
    result = "0" + result
And then we print the result using the PrintStr function.

Full code

package main

import (

//function that print a string given
func PrintStr(s string) {
  for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {

func PrintBits() {
  //first step
    if len(os.Args) != 2 {
  //second step
    result := ""
    number, err := strconv.Atoi(os.Args[1])
    if err != nil {
    base := []string{"0", "1"}
  //third step
    for number != 0 {
        result = base[number%len(base)] + result
        number = number / len(base)
  //final step
    for len(result) < 8 {
        result = "0" + result